Thursday, June 06, 2024

Desperate to crush the NPA, military on killing spree against innocent civilians



From the Website of PRWC CPP-NPA-NDF
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Desperate to crush the NPA, military on killing spree against innocent civilians

In a futile attempt to meet its own deadline this June 2024 to crush ‘remaining’ Red fighters, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and its #DiMasaligan79IB are on a killing spree against innocent civilians they repeatedly tagged as New People’s Army (NPA) supporters.

Another victim fell prey on #DiMasaligan79IB’s maneuvers to lure supposed NPA supporter to their untimely death.

Jigger Barotolo, 43 years old, was reportedly killed on May 30, 2024 at Sitio Sangay, Barangay Hilub-ang, Calatrava, Negros Occidental at around 5pm. Barotolo sustained four gunshot wounds from the unidentified perpetrators on his way to tend to his carabao.

Barotolo was red-tagged by the AFP as an NPA supporter. The AFP unleashed its psychological warfare against residents of Barangay Hilub-ang through its Retooled Community Support Program (RCSP) from 2019-2022. Barotolo was one of the many residents presented as surrenderee after repeated summons, interrogations and intimidation.

Queries surrounding the shooting of Bartolo compelled the NPA to investigate on the matter. Upon initial investigation, a unit of the Roselyn Jean Pelle Command-Northern Negros Guerrilla Front of the New People’s Army (RJPC-NPA) found out that around 3pm, perpetrators disguised themselves as Red fighters and summoned Barotolo through his neighbor. Barotolo planned to check on why he was summoned after tending his carabao. A few minutes after Barotolo left his home to tend to his carabao, shots were heard and residents rushed to find only his lifeless body.

The NPA’s investigation unit also gathered that residents spotted asset/s of #DiMasaligan79IB aboard a motorcycle fleeing from the said barangay. At the time of the incident, #DiMasaligan79IB deployed its fascist troops in neighboring Barangay Macasilao.

Only the AFP allows mercenaries to kill innocent civilians in broad daylight where columns of #DiMasaligan79IB were deployed at the nearby barangay by the time of incident. Maximizing intelligence assets as death squads or hitmen, such as the likes of Juvie Loki-loki, Tolindoy Nepalar, Danny Brasona, Momar Alingasa and other notorious personalities, the AFP showed their utter desperation by killing red-tagged innocent civilians.

After their gimmickry of a fake encounter that killed Jeje Redobles in Barangay Cambayobo last May 22 backlashed as residents, barangay officials and the general public exposed the truth behind the said incident, the AFP vainly maneuvers the attention of the general public away from the Redobles killing by initiating the Barotolo killing. Within a span of eight days, two families in Northern Negros are now without breadwinners due to the mercenary AFP’s futile attempt to crush the revolution.

Cases of killings of innocent civilians, like the cases of Redobles and Barotolo, must be investigated by humanitarian and rights groups. The victims’ respective neighbors can attest to their good record and relations to others.

The RJPC-NPA pays respect to the thousands of victims of state terrorism, like Redobles and Barotolo. We extend our sympathies to the bereaved families, their respective wife and children. Justice will be served!

Red commanders and fighters of the RJPC-NPA are one with the Negrosanons’ rage against the semifeudal and semicolonial system that pays no attention nor respect to the lives, livelihood and common good of the Filipino people. The RJPC-NPA will unleash its might, together with the people, to fight for a better future. The revolution continues! 





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